Fraud has a deep-rooted history in our society—spanning all the way back to ancient civilization. As fraudulent activities have evolved over time, laws have been established to protect our people and communities.
However, we haven’t developed a foolproof system. The unfortunate reality is that fraud occurs at alarming rates across our nation. One of the commonly targeted victims of this fraud? Our government.
When our government is defrauded, it’s the taxpayers and our communities that suffer. Qui tam litigation helps protect the interests of the people by holding those responsible for government fraud accountable.
Why Pursue Qui Tam Litigation?
If you know of a company or entity committing fraud against the government, your first step should be to seek the assistance of a qui tam attorney in Kansas City. A qualified attorney will guide you through the entire process and ensure the best possible outcomes for your case.
Reasons to pursue qui tam litigation include:
Financial Rewards
Those who bring these cases forward can earn a percentage of the recovered funds. The percentage you may receive can range from 15–30%, depending on the case. In general, the more work you do for the case, the larger the reward you will receive.
Upholding Justice and Integrity
When companies take advantage of government funding, it can have detrimental effects on our communities and society at large. By working with a qualified attorney, you can help further efforts to promote honesty and fairness in our legal system.
Doing the right thing isn’t always easy, but it is well worth the time and effort in the end.
Contact Bartimus Frickleton Robertson Rader for Qui Tam Litigation
If you know of government fraud, it’s important to find an experienced attorney for your qui tam lawsuit in Kansas City.
When we represent a client under the False Claims Act, we devote the time, resources, and experience for the best possible result. Our attorneys are dedicated to seeking justice and ensuring the best possible outcomes.
To get in contact with an attorney today, use our virtual case tool or contact our office at (913) 266-2300 to speak with one of our team members.
The above is not intended to be legal advice. Each individual case is different and must be analyzed on its own set of facts and circumstances. If you believe you may have a case, it is critically important that you timely contact a lawyer to ensure your rights are protected.